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Data Analytics

People Analytics

People Analytics

We offer high-value information on the world of work, which contributes to strategic decision making in companies, institutions of the educational ecosystem, public agencies and the economy as a whole.

Pay Scorecard - Salary Survey

Pay Scorecard - Salary Survey

The PayScorecard data corresponds to the remunerations and benefits at the dates established according to each launch. The participants and purchasers of the survey will be able to access the information through a username and password that will be provided by Advice.



An online platform that gathers information from more than 100 companies and 150 positions on compensations, benefits, HR policies and practices, and job market information.

Would you like to request a quote?

Contact us here
Tiburcio Gmez 1330, Piso 4
Montevideo, Uruguay
TEL.: (+598) 2626 1111 |
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