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Compensations and Salaries
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Compensations and Salaries

Compensation and Benefits Survey

Advice has an online platform that gathers information from over 100 companies and 280 positions on compensation, benefits, HR policies and practices, labor market information.

Within changing and competitive environments, it is highly likely that to attract and retain certain talent to the organization, fixed and variable compensation and benefit schemes must be offered.
To achieve reliable information when designing compensation systems, it is not convenient to resort to informal sources. Systematic surveys with the appropriate segmentation of positions and sectors of activity make it possible to have a mapping of remuneration possibilities and alternatives that ensure correct decisions in this regard.

Job Pricing - Customized compensation studies

The current transformation of the labor market requires tailor-made studies of compensation systems as a source of information and management for decision making.
The objective is to establish an analysis of the market remunerations of those positions required by the company, providing quantitative necessary for the definition of salary policies.
We provide a compensation study tailored to a specific position in the organization's structure, whether it is Managerial, Middle Management or Dependent.
Decisions about a company's salary structure cannot be made without taking into account the reality of today's labor market. Employees compare themselves with people who occupy similar positions in other companies, so it is necessary to analyze external competitiveness in order to establish a sound compensation strategy. This will ensure the attraction, retention and development of the best talent to achieve business objectives. 
The Job Pricing methodology consists of the following stages: 
  • Identify the objective and scope of the study 
  • Identify the sample of companies that will make up the study 
  • Define the positions to be studied
  • Collection and processing of information
  • Comparative analysis of positions of interest vs. labor market positions
  • Final report

Executive Compensation

We provide a compensation and benefits study for the position of general manager, in relation to the characteristics of the organization and the labor market.

Design and development of salary, benefit and incentive structures

We offer companies the design of a variable compensation system that measures results, rewards performance and monitors the management of each employee.

Contact us through our form, so that our specialists in Data Analytics services can provide the best advice for your needs.

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Would you like to request a quote?

Contact us here
Tiburcio Gmez 1330, Piso 4
Montevideo, Uruguay.
TEL.: (+598) 2626 1111 |
2025 Advice - Termsmarsbahis

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