1) The revaluation of the liquid work. Whatever (to do), whenever and wherever. Liquid work refers to a new way of approaching labor relations that breaks with the patterns of the industrial era such as hierarchy, fixed schedules, job stability or the exclusive relationship between an employee and his employer. Liquid work is to give value to the digital talent of each professional regardless of the hiring modality or labor relationship that they maintain at a given time. It is the value contributed by a certain person through his or her skills and knowledge.
2) Flexibility has become a priority, both for companies and collaborators. And it is the main benefit that the coronavirus pandemic has generated, it implies a deep change in people's habits, quality of life, conception of work, the purpose of each one, which will also have a decisive impact on the way organizations are managed. This not only implies teleworking, it includes schedules, formats, objectives, ways of doing, among others.
3) The career plan is now a life plan. Companies have to offer developments that are aligned with life goals and family balance. While this was already the case in the past, the pandemic has resignified it.
4) Emotional containment at a distance. The change of work scheme, by teleworking, or by objectives, has demanded that the bosses are supporting and contributing to the distance. This requires greater empathy and intelligent emotional management. And training. Because it is not the same to do it face to face and in person than through an application. There is a new digital burnout.
5) Training resilience and self-regulation. It is important that employees as well as companies reinvent themselves and train themselves to be more resilient, to prepare themselves for greater uncertainty which is the only certainty. Likewise, they should train their self-regulation to avoid procrastination by more independence and in some cases less controls. This training is a benefit that organizations should provide.
6) Digital training. In digital management tools and collaboration in teams, in time management, that of their projects, that of their work at a distance.
7) Agility in response to the requirements of the collaborators. In a world of vertiginous and accelerated changes, the collaborators of an organization need bosses and managers that communicate in an open and fast way, that are precise, that are there when they need them. Agility is a differential benefit.
8) Depth in diversity and inclusion. Remote work offers opportunities for inclusion. Companies, workers, social organizations, government and society as a whole need to explore this new opportunity, generating a differential benefit.