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Nomenclature of the NEW Labor Demand

by Federico Muttoni | Advice Director

Reading time: 2'

The advance of current societies in the incorporation at all levels of digital tools and the use of the Internet (which for many leads to call the contemporary era as the "digital era") has brought about relevant changes in the world of work and in the dynamics of the labor market in particular. The analysis of information on labor demand (labor, collaborators, staff, workers, etc.) in the technology sector is a very valuable input to improve the design of education and training essential to promote employment in Uruguay as a whole. 

Do you know what we are talking about? What are the NEW positions demanded by the labor market? Where is sustainable and quality work being generated?

Here the Nomenclature of the NEW Labor Demand:
  • The administrator is no longer the one who manages companies, they are - in a colloquial sense - system administrators, Linux, Windows or Sys Admin administrators.
  • The architect is a software architect.
  • The analyst is a database, e-commerce, infrastructure, IT security, QA (Quality Assurance), SEM or SEO analyst, developer or user experience analyst, there are also Genexus, Functional or Systems analysts.
  • The developer does not do real estate projects. Develops .Net, Angular, Android (for Samsung phones), IOS (for Apple IPhone) can be back end or front end developer (what is seen or what is not seen), there are also C, C# and C++ developers. There are API and APPS developers. They can be dedicated to Database, Systems/Software, Web or ERP development. But surely some of them are Javascript, SQL, CSS or HTML developers; with these four, you can't go wrong.
  • The specialist, if it is in data will be a Big Data Tech Lead, Data Scientist (Data Scientist) or a DBA (Database Administrator); but if it is a business specialist can be an IT Consultant, Product Owner (Product Manager), Projact Manager or Scrum Master (a master in the framework for agile software development).
  • The manager is not from Administration, Sales or Production. It is a CTO (Chief Technology Officer), Project Manager, Development Manager, Digital Transformation Manager (Chief Digital Transformation Officer), Growth Hacking Manager (primarily dedicated to promoting the online growth of a product or service, driving traffic from corporate social networks to the page that offers that product or service), Business Intelligence Manager (the professional responsible for both the collection and analysis of information and sales data, markets, consumers, etc., in order to facilitate operational or strategic decision making), Customer Experiencie Manager (who has the total management of the customer experience in the interaction with the brand). To name a few. 
  • The boss is not the one who looks at you when you enter the office if you are late. It's a development leader or supervisor, it's infrastructure manager, project manager, systems manager, team leader, etc.
  • Support is an IT assistant or network specialist.
  • The technician, can be level 1 or level 2; Junior or Senior, IT or Networking.
  • The tester. Software testers (also known as testers) plan and carry out software tests on computers to check if they work correctly. They identify the risk of software bugs, detect errors and report them.
  • Many others: Cloud Engineer (Cloud engineering is the application of engineering disciplines to cloud computing for commercialization, standardization and governance of cloud computing applications), AWS Engineer (Engineer for Amazon Web Services is a collection of public cloud computing services that together form a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet by, Scraper (Web scraping is a technique used by software programs to extract information from websites. Usually, these programs simulate the navigation of a human on the World Wide Web), and the list could go on.

To learn more about the nomenclature of the new labor demand, we recommend readers to review the report that Advice and CUTI prepared on the labor market associated with the Uruguayan IT industry and the demand for specialized talent in the ICT field in the country.

Click here to access the report.

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