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“Likeability: The Importance of Likeability for Employability

The term “likeability” in English translates into Spanish as “agradabilidad” or “simpatía”. This term refers to the quality of being pleasant, likeable or charismatic, and describes a person's ability to generate a positive response in others.


In the context of employability and work relationships, “likeability” implies being a person that others enjoy interacting with and working with, which can be a crucial factor in career success.


Sales Professional Perspective


From a sales professional's perspective, likeability is a powerful tool. Sales is not just about offering a product or service; it's about building relationships. Customers prefer to do business with people they like and trust. Friendliness creates a positive atmosphere, facilitates communication and helps build a strong relationship with customers. A friendly attitude can be the differentiating factor that tips the balance in your favor in a negotiation or sales closing.

Psychology Perspective


Psychology teaches us that agreeableness and interpersonal skills are crucial to the emotional well-being of both the individual and the work environment. Being pleasant not only improves relationships with colleagues and superiors, but also reduces stress and increases job satisfaction. A positive and collaborative work environment is vital to the productivity and success of the company. Organizational psychology has shown that teams where friendliness and mutual respect reign have better performance and lower turnover rates.


Business Administration Perspective


From a business administration perspective, being personable is essential for effective leadership and team management. A personable leader is more approachable and fosters an inclusive and motivating work environment. This translates into more engaged and productive employees. In addition, friendliness facilitates conflict resolution and collaborative decision making, which improves operational efficiency and team cohesion.

Human Management Perspective

Human management professionals often look for candidates who not only have the necessary technical skills, but can also integrate well into the organizational culture. Friendliness is a highly valued quality because it promotes a positive and cooperative work environment. During the selection process, recruiters evaluate candidates' interpersonal skills and ability to work well in a team. A friendly candidate is perceived as someone who will contribute positively to the work climate and team dynamics.


Company Manager's Perspective


From a company manager's point of view, friendliness is a strategic quality. A friendly manager can inspire and motivate his or her teams, generating loyalty and a sense of belonging. Moreover, in a globalized business environment, the ability to form and maintain professional relationships based on trust and respect is critical to long-term success. Kindness not only improves internal relationships, but also strengthens relationships with customers, suppliers and other business partners.




Being personable is critical to employability in today's world. From the perspective of different professionals, friendliness and interpersonal skills are essential for success. Fostering a work environment where friendliness and mutual respect are core values not only improves employee well-being, but also boosts productivity and organizational success. Therefore, developing and maintaining a friendly attitude is not only a personal benefit, but a key strategy for career and job search success.


Goleman, D. (1995). **Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ**. Bantam Books.

2. Carnegie, D. (1936). **How to win friends and influence people. Simon and Schuster.

3. Covey, S. R. (1989). **The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press.

4. Kelley, T. (2001). **The art of innovation. Crown Business.

5. Roberts, L. M. (2005). **Constructing the Other: How Psychological Threat Impacts Interpersonal Relationships**. Harvard Business Review.


PS: This note was made with the help of ChatGPT 4th edition.

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